Apologies in advance if this in any way clueless. It's based on the
following paragraph; if that's inaccurate, the rest of the mail won't
make much sense.

GPG has functionality whereby you can supply a keyid and have it
imported into your keyring, via downloading from a keyserver. It
doesn't, however, let you pass it an e-mail address, and return/import
the keyid for that address. To find out someone's keyid, you have to
perform a search for their key via the e-mail/web search servers.

If this is the case, it would probably be a good idea for me to knock up
a module that takes an e-mail address and returns a keyid on an exact
match. A script using the module could /also/ uses GPG::Interface, and
have the returned keyid downloaded and imported into the user's keyring.

Anyone think this is something worthwhile? If it is, where on the CPAN
should I stick it? There's a GnuPG:: hierarchy, but it's naturally only
for wrappers for gpg functions. I don't think it's existing



$a="printf.net"; Chris Ball | chris@void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a

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