Paul Makepeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> [...] (only ever tried HHGTTG). [...]
Kate L Pugh wrote:
>> This is the clue that enabled Jon to complete the last task.
>> Leon, no fair :)
Paul Makepeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, you can do them in any order so not sure what you mean by
> the "last task".

The last task being the one that lots of IRC people were stuck on.
Tearing our hair out, we were. (More details at bottom of post below
spoiler space.)

> FWIW, I barely got into the ship in HHGTTG so didn't
> see any connection there :-(

It was to do with a common quirk of grammar.

Spoilers below.


[That should cover all bases. I hope.]

The one we were stuck on was the cubes. We figured out that you have
to get teddy to complete the tower, but "ask teddy to do thing" didn't
work. When you posted mentioning HHGTTG, Jon remembered that the way
to ask people to do things in that was "person, do thing", and that
did indeed work.

> WTF with the various boxes?

Try putting the juggling ball (source of light) into the different
boxes, closing them, and going into the dark room and seeing what you
can see. Neat-o.


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