For the first time ever, i think there should be a topic made off
topic on This is not due to any one post, but its
due to the huge percentage of politics threads recently.

Now this may be a passing thing, so maybe it should be a temporary
ban, i.e no-politics October for

I'm also willing to admit that this is a personal belief as we
have had a lot of politics on and #perl recently.

Ok, let me scratch my first call, could I just ask that a lot
more of the topics on are non-political, my take on is we are a social list, so lets have more topics
about things we are doing, how hungover we are after the social
meet, favourite recipes, favourite non-computer hobbies, etc.

I just hate coming on and getting into arguments with people
I like, I have enough arguments in my life with arguing with
my frineds over the nasty medium of email.

Ho hum,


Greg McCarroll                       

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