
you may have noticed how penderel aka london.pm.org has been down all day.
we wuz r00ted, basically. i don't really want to go into the details here.

blech aka paul mison very generously donated today's CFT to reinstalling
and sorting everything out, and is still CPANning as i write. bloody well
done and thanks.

everything should be pretty much back the way it was, including user
accounts and data. the ssh key is different and some stuff maybe
missing from httpd.conf, that should be about it. and blech set up sudo
properly while he was at it too :)

hfb aka mail.pm.org has been acting as backup mx, and afaik has just been
sending everything @london.pm.org straight to davorg, so i don't think
mails sent today will turn up here, and this is something we should sort
out in the future.

k thassit, goodnight,


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