I've been so "inspired" by recent language features for Perl 6, I've
decided to get an early start on Perl 7, with a new RFC ....

=head1 TITLE

Private style variables in a non-OO environment.

=head1 VERSION

Maintainer: Greg McCarroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 05 Oct 2001
Version: 1
Mailing List: london.pm
Number: 31337


Having seen all these new operators being proposed for Perl 6, I feel
quite "inspired", so I was thinking what features I could
suggest for the next version of Perl. So I started to think about
private variables outside the OO concept, i.e. being able to hide
variables in the current scope.


First off, i'd like to hide variables in the current scope, or if
you will "cover" them. I'd also like to be able to remove this
coverage, by "cutting" away the cover. And lastly I'd like to
prevent the removal by "blunting" the cutting of coverage.


Now obviously I need some symbols for these new features, and so I've
choosen some at random. Firstly coverage will be carried out by the
"_" operator, next removal of coverage, "cutting" will be carried out
by the cut operator "8<" and lastly the "blunting" of the cut operator
will be carried out by "o". You can also remove the blunting by
recovering the variable by reapplying "_", effectively over the "o"

=head1 STATUS

Crack induced - If this is too common a classification for Perl RFC's
please let me know, and I can find another status that better
distinguishes it from the majority of RFC's.


Greg McCarroll                       

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