Err, warning, people might take offense to the extremely slightly
crude nature of this email, mind you poeple might take offense to this
line being above Richard's quoted text ;-)

* Richard Clamp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> But surely no-one could ever mistake something that grew out of good
> natured banter for a serious position on Perls place in the world...

remember richard, there may be americans who look at this module - you
know how slow they can be when it comes to humour - just try ticking
all those little boxes as "yes" on your entry card next time you
fly over there ;-)

> And later on the CPAN, when I've wrestled a Makefile.PL together.

in my experience and I'm sure others will disagree[1], Makefile.PL files
are a bit like files, you do one once and you copy it from
project/server to project/server. apart from of course i'd rather
rewrite a Makefile.PL from scratch than gnaw off my right testicle ;-)


[1] after all this is a mailing list, people can disagree about

Greg McCarroll                       

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