Mark Fowler wrote:
> Quick question, what do I want to be reading first when it comes to
> getting up to speed on i18n and time.

Well, "the" Perl, Unicode, and i18n FAQ is at .

> I need to convert gmt into local time formats.  Current plan 
> (i.e. my gut reaction) is to use Time::Piece in gm mode (all
> systems are going to run in GMT) and add on the current time
> zone offset (not local time on the server, the server may be
> serving many different time zones.)

I don't know Time::Piece, but using GMT and then adding on an offset to the
number of seconds before converting back YYYYMMDDHHMMSS sounds right.

> Where do I get the current time in different countries from
> (in Perl)?

Not sure about that one. Some OSes have all sorts of time zone information
but I don't know what interface there exists to it.

> Should I be asking this on [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead?

Oh, just ask Jarkko; he *loves* locales in general and time zones in
particular :)[1]


[1] sarcasm; please don't poke the friendly jhi. I've just noticed he tends
to start gibbering on contact with locales. Here be monsters, apparently.
Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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