On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Tony Bowden wrote:

> One solution mooted is that it may be possible, from within Perl,
> to reach into the document, and disable any macros. Does anyone know
> if this is possible (ideally easy!)? Or have any better ideas? That
> preferably don't involve using a Windows machine to do this...

A different approach would be to virus scan the documents and quarantine
infected ones.

You could try Covalent's anti virus plugin for Apache. It has perl
bindings. http://www.covalent.com/products/antivirus/

It's not a pure perl solution but it does come from Doug MacEachern's [1]
employers so it has reasonable credentials I guess [2].


[1] Author of mod_perl for those who didn't know.

[2] Although, slightly worryingly, the product page says their latest dat
file is dated May 02 2001, which is really way too old.

"I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything."
      - Steven Wright

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