At 14:15 15/11/01 +0000, Rob Thompson wrote:
> Hmm... does the London in refer to where you work, where you
> live, or a a state of mind?

I'd say one of the first two, since last time I looked, London was a
large, filthy and very fun city, as opposed to a psychological
condition. London is as much a state of mind as Vodafone is a lifestyle
choice, I reckon.


London Perl Monger is a psychological condition, though. I hear that some
sufferers start to hallucinate a western theme over their
everyday life, and that some extreme cases develop bestial fixations with
things like eyelashes. 

It's a terrible affliction. Please give generously to SUPPeM, the Society
for Users of Perl and Perl Mongers. Donations will only be accepted in
novelty beer form. Give *today*; the person sitting next to *you* could
be a London Perl Monger, and without your help, they could finc themselves
with no free beer at all tonight. PLease, please, look into your heart and
give as much as you can afford. I thank you.

"Milk may build strong bones, but adhesives are cement for the mind."

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