Sounds like my kind of party :)

Drunken Santa Rampages through shopping malls, tourist traps, and other
ghastly appurtenances of modern consumerism are becoming common in the
States, put on by such sterling groups as the San Francisco Cacophony
Society. Here's one happening in our own dear London: 

Saturday 15th December sees the first Santacon UK and you are 
invited to attend. Santacon is an event invented in the US by the 
Cacophony Society and imported to these shores by Iain Aitch [Santa Two 
Eyes] and Ian Lowey [Santa One Eye]. 

Santacon involves 100 Santas on a drunken [if you like] spree through 
London. Starting in the north and working its way through the shopping 
centres, bars and plazas of our city. Santacon is a celebration of being 
Santa and the spirit of Xmas. It is also a social experiment, exploring 
how people react to 100 Santas moving en-masse. Dirty carols will be 
sung, Santas will carouse with each other and authorities will be 
perplexed. Mimes will be mooned, jugglers jiggled and fire eaters fucked 
with. Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho. 
His/her name is Santa and he dances on the Strand 

YOU are invited to be one of the 100. Santas can be of all ages, sexes 
and sizes [padding optional]. The only requirement is that you dress as 
Santa. Details will be forthcoming on where to score the cheapest Santa 
outfit, or you can make your own. Sexy Santas, hotpant Santas and 
wrestling masked Santas are all welcome. Please pass this mail on to 
anyone else who you feel may want to be Santa too. 
Santa has his own views on globalisation, the war and the like, but he 
will not be exhibiting those during Santacon. Santacon is not a protest 
or a demo, it is a works outing for the hardworking wannabe Santas 
amongst us. Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho. 
The Elves will not be attending, as they have overtime to do if they 
want to be able to feed their families. Sorry about that. 

For historic materials see: 

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:  everything after here is irrelevant

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