On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 03:37:15PM +0000, Andy Wardley wrote:
>In this world there are two kinds of people.  Packers and Mappers.

I'd find this whole argument (see http://www.reciprocality.org/ if you
haven't met it before) a great deal more convincing if it weren't so
obvious that every reader is meant to consider himself a mapper.

>Packers do what they're told.  They use XML, they use Java, they use
>Microsoft Word for Windows and PowerPoint.  
>Mappers use Perl.  It's not regular.  It's not "simple" (like (Lisp())).  It's 
>not "Industry Standard, Enterprise Edition Buzzword Compliant".  

OK, here's a different overgeneralisation, which I think is also valid
to some extent. (Yes, I'm sure there are lots of exceptions both

The people I know who use Java use it because they were told to
(university course or job), or because they thought it would get them a
good job.

The people I know who use Perl use it because they thought it looked
like fun.

Now, if you wanted to suggest personality types based on _number_ of
programming languages known, you might get me more on your side...

He's a lounge-singing hunchbacked assassin in drag. She's a violent
nymphomaniac vampire from a secret island of warrior women. They fight

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