On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 11:45:32AM -0500, David H. Adler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 02:09:22PM -0000, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> > [I offer no comment on the following]
> > 
> > Prescient Training and Research Centre (<http://www.prescienttrc.com>) are
> > looking for a Perl trainer to start work on Monday. You'll need to train a
> > class of one in a course of your own devising for 15 hours a week (9-12
> > Mon-Fri) for 12 weeks. 
> I have a comment.  They posted a request for perl and java trainers on
> clpmisc.  Forced me to post my canned "don't post job stuff here"
> message.  :-)

I know. That's how I found out about them. I know, mea maxima culpa - but I 
was desparate[1].


[1] But not desparate enought to take it :)


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