On Fri, 2002-01-11 at 08:51, Robert Shiels wrote:

Season 5 spoilers below:

> Is this just a soap opera now, there was one undead guy near the end that
> Buffy killed with a medical hacksaw, but apart from that it was all long
> meaningful silences and people crying. Bored now!

This ep is important in buffydom because it's the first time that
anybody cared about somebody dying in 5 years of carnage.  There was a
lot about this one that was great (Buffy seeing/hearing things, Santa
isn't a myth, Anya doesn't get it).

I really do like this episode, but I also understand why some people
won't.  For the most part I prefer the first two or three seasons.  They
were much sillier, and the skirts were shorter.  But of course season
2/3 is more soap opera-ey than anything since.  All that crap about
Buffy falling for a vampire that acts more like a art student. Bleh. 


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