This is the 43rd weekly (hmmm, biweekly more like, eh?) summary of the
London Perl Mongers mailing list. For the week starting 2002-01-14:

Check out the website for information about upcoming
meetings and events. There's a technical meet on Thursday 24th January
at Codix, with talks: "Beginning to Program Parrot Assembler",
"Idiotic Perl", "Long Numbers in Perl 5", "Advent Calendar Recap". The
next social meet is on Thursday 7th February at the Cittie of Yorke.
Vous etes taxi, taxi ou taxi sympathetique?:

Conference joy: yapc::Europe call for papers, and details of next
year's Open Source Convention (including The Perl Conference) are up,
along with talk proposals. Vous pouvez attachez votre seinture svp?:

Most important Perl news of the week: Apocalypse Four is out,
detailing more of Larry's design for Perl 6. Paul has finally caught
the new vision. Most important discussion of the week has been what to
call the new ^=~ operator. Suggestions so far: the topcat / firework /
rat / squirrel operator. Don le non de notre orginisation monsieurs:

Some of us went to a discussion on Patterns in Perl organised by Nigel
Wetters which was quite interesting. That is to say, there was some
disagreement on what patterns are really used in Perl. There's
probably another soon: Alerte generale!:

Ivor asked how to create on the fly callbacks from code which is in
strings: "Normally, with on-the-fly code, you just eval it to get what
you want. Here, I don't want to run it, but to generate an anonymous
code ref". The solution is to use 'sub' and return a subref in the
eval-ed string: my $coderef = eval ("sub{$codestring}"); $@ && die;
Pouvez-vous me sauvez la vie? Non.

Mark asked about debugging. He has some code which warns somewhere,
and wanted a stack trace: $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { use diagnostics; die };

Ivor also asked if threads really work in Perl. The answer is, well,
kinda, not really. However, threads will work properly for the
not-yet-available-but-sometime-real-soon-honest Perl 5.8.

nemesis asked how he could tell the difference between when his Perl
program was called via a CGI or directly. Answer:

Greg got worried about scriptkiddies scanning his DSL-connected
box. Most people would just use ipchains to drop their IP or complain
to the ISP. Or, more likely, use a cheapo box as a firewall
(smoothwall may do the job, although its developers aren't very
friendly, although we don't like wingate much). Et bien ca vous
laisse le temps de prendre les journaux ou meme un petit cafe.

Andrew Savige is a very crazy man. You *have* to observe the
prettiness of his post. And then run it under Perl and be amazed. It
is quite cool, but he's not winning another prize for it ;-)
Je suis pas "a poil". Je suis "en serviette":

Can everyone make sure they keep their CFT monitor up to
date. Nicholas has updated the lyrics to a certain Eagles song:

Check out what all the CFT gang have got up to on IRC: Elle fait
plutot un jolie bruit pour un taxi:

In other news: talking out mothra, making a Dr. Who episode during
yapc::Europe this year (well, we can't decide who wants to play the
Master), a mulled wine recipe, colo decisions (looks like Mailbox are
still the cheapest/best), more dotbombing (mostly false), random silly
crypto stuff, more Buffy spoilers, spam, silly Acme module of the
week: Acme::Your, getting jobs as Python coders, quite a bit of talk
about Python actually (eg "Python is a bit like Perl with all the
sharp edges filed off") and Ruby (but it has no CPAN), silly code
formatting arguments, being really really useful for
reporting bugs in CPAN modules and beer:

Chauffeur de taxi c'est pas mon vrais metier, Leon
Leon Brocard.............................

... "Apple" (c) 6024 b.c., Adam & Eve

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