* at 25/01 12:08 +0000 Dave Cross said:
> My slides from last night are now online at 
> <http://www.mag-sol.com/talks/idiotic/>
> I forgot to mention that last night was a practice run for the German
> Perl Workshop (and, hopefully, a couple of other conferences this year, so
> if you have nay comments on the content I'd be very happy to hear them.
> And in a huge piece of serendipidy, my CGI scripts article has just appeared
> on perl.com. It's at <http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/01/23/cgi.html>.

and in not so happy serendipity i opened up pc plus today to see an
article on settign up a message board pointing to a script at:


which (woo hoo!) has no use strict, -w, CGI.pm and so on.


frighteningly they charge for some of their scripts which is the free
message board is anything to go by is cheeky at best.

they do have a rate this script feature though :)

i think writing to all the pc magazines saying if you're going to run
these articles then you might want to consider using nms scripts might
be a good idea then at least we limit future damage.


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