ok, the number of people on my list is growing quite fast so i'm going
to talk CMS, or whatever they are called, tommorow

So, far my list is 

    Greg McCarroll
    James Duncan
    Leon Brocard 
    Simon Wilcox
    Jonathan Stowe
    Karen Pauley (2 rooms)
    Paul Hughes (Barbie)
    Kevin Lenzo
    Philip Newton
    Dave Cantrell
    Marcel Grunauer
    Anthony Fisher
    Lucy McWilliam

I make that 14 rooms, so its already going to be a challenge for the
booking service. If you have booked and noted that you want to stay
with the London.pm Party and are not on the above list, let me know
asap. Also if you book early tommorow morning let me know asap.

If you are not happy with standard category accomodation shout now, as
i think we are going to be in that category to keep the greatest
number of people possible.

Sorry to go ahead and do this, but if we don't sort it out soon we are
not going to manage this.

Apparently the fact we are staying till the 22nd is already going to
cause some problems.

I will ask them if possible to keep some extra slots available in the


p.s. Let the mayhem commence! Muhahahaha.

Greg McCarroll                       

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