On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 12:35:51PM +0000, Leon Brocard wrote:
> Earle Martin sent the following bits through the ether:
> > If this interests you, you can find it at http://grault.net/grubstreet/ .
> Dipsy knows more than grubstreet. Why the wiki?

* Dipsy has a 400 character factoid limit. Grubstreet doesn't.
* Grubstreet has (some) revision control and history. Dipsy doesn't.
* Grubstreet's easy to edit. Dipsy isn't- the s// stuff is much more
  limited than full Perl regexen and there are all sorts of nasty
  gotchas with stopwords.
* Dipsy is unfocussed. Grubstreet has a clear goal- documenting London.
* Grubstreet is accessible via the Web. Dipsy is designed for IRC, which
  less people use. The web interface is still somewhat cumbersome (and
* Links in Dipsy are ugly. Links in Grubstreet can be made pretty.
  (That's ignoring the fact that intra-factoid links are limited in
  dipsy to (see factoid x).)

Um, there are probably more if I put my mind to it. But hey, that'll do.

:: paul
:: the future has been and gone

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