ok, here is our latest booking list .........

    Greg McCarroll
    James Duncan
    Leon Brocard
    Simon Wilcox
    Jonathan Stowe
    Karen Pauley (2 rooms)
    Paul "Barbie" Hughes
    Kevin Lenzo
    Philip Newton
    Dave Cantrell
    Marcel Grunauer
    Anthony Fisher
    Lucy McWilliam
    Mark Fowler
    Andrew Wilson
    Kate L Pugh
    Andy Wardley
    Leo Lapworth
    Dean Wilson
    Andy Wardley
    Sue Spence

(22 rooms , if it becomes a done deal tommorow i'll be looking for 0~8
 extra slots)

apologies if you weren't on the last one and you had emailed me, your
mail probably got lost in a different dimension or something, and no
andy its not cos you smell of pee.

i'm going to try and phone the girl i ``spoke'' to previously tommorow
to sort this out - i'm sure the lady will enjoy the combined
challenges of speaking english and understanding my accent 

also remember this is a very difficult challenge as octoberfest sends
munich into pandemonium - i will not be surprised if we hit a problem
with and have to split into two hotels, or have to deal with the
tricky last night in some inspirational way

p.s. once we get our hotel slots, i'm no longer anything to do with
this endeavour, looking down that list i have more sense than to look
like anyone responsible for you lot - i count 19 trouble makers out of
22, and no i didn't count myself ;-)

Greg McCarroll                       

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