On Sun, Feb 24, 2002 at 02:25:03PM +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
>> For example, I want a search for "Dore" to turn up "Doré",
>> and vice versa.

On Sun 24 Feb 2002, Paul Makepeace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about HTML::Entities which goes back and forth with those sorts of
> constructs.

Oops, I think I might have been being confusing; sorry.  I was using
"&eacute;" as shorthand for an e with an acute accent.  I'm not
transforming between characters and HTML entities, but transliterating
accented characters into suitable non-accented characters.  I've got
that bit working, but in order to use the DBIx::FTS module without
patching it, I need to be able to split up the data into words before
applying my transliteration filter, since it does the splitting
before it applies any user-supplied filters.


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