Thanks to everyone who turned up last night. I think it went quite
well; we seemed to have about 50 people turn up through the evening,
and the kitty was well enough stocked to have a surplus at the end.
Hopefully you all enjoyed yourselves. (I even heard people talking
about Perl. Scary, eh?)

Alex McLintock turned up with a copy of the Perl Black Book, which
reminded me it was time to name and shame the people who have books but
haven't reviewed them. If you're on the list, *please* either review
the book or bring it along to a meeting so someone else gets the
chance. (Oh, and if somehow this list turns out to be wrong, feel free
to yell.)

Learning the Unix Operating System (5ed) - Lucy McWilliam
Web Design in a Nutshell                 - Earle Martin
Perl for Web Site Management             - Anthony Fisher
XSLT                                     - Dave Hodgkinson
Network Troubleshooting Tools            - Roger Burton West
Programming Cold Fusion                  - Simon Wilcox
Server Load Balancing                    - Sue Spence
Web Caching                              - Andy Williams
Learning Perl                            - Alex Page
NFS/NIS                                  - Sue Gray
Linux Device Drivers                     - Simon Wistow
Java Cookbook                            - Joe McFadden
Exim                                     - Jo Walsh

We also now have three confirmed speakers for the tech talk (you know
who you are, hopefully) and a venue, and I'll announce both the list of
talks and where they'll be over the weekend, after I've got the last
slot or two of the meeting sorted. (If you want to pitch a lightning
talk- say 10 minutes or less- mail me off list asap.)

:: paul
:: macintosh!

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