mike wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 09:09:55PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 05:00:10PM +0000, Rob Partington wrote:
> > > When did checking facts become unfashionable?  :(
> >
> > When AOL starting providing Usenet access?
> AOL just started the perpetual September.  There was plenty of cluelessness on 
>Usenet before AOL.

Two words: The Portal :)

Home of the very first guy to beg for money on the net (jj@portal).

Home of one of my favorite HS buddies, who threw over a semi-promising
physics career to hack kernels. His family moved out just before The
Portal folks decided to move in and set up a BBS there.  The name comes
from the area of Cupertino the house was located in which in turn was
named after the family which had owned a large vineyard there in the
1800s.  If it hadn't been for Louis Portal maybe our sales director
wouldn't keep pestering me to create a grandiose "portal" out of the
sickly, anaemic CGIs that currently make up our web offering. :-/

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