On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 03:01:00PM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 02:46:21PM +0000, Leon Brocard wrote:
> > Nicholas Clark sent the following bits through the ether:
> > 
> > > What is this "slides" concept of which you speak?


I am aware that the navigation links on that page may well be bust.
It also may look foul in those decadent graphical browser things.
It looks fine in links.

> > For those interested in the full list of changes in Perl 5.8:
> > http://shorterlink.com/?9XAR83
> Aarg. The repository browser has lag. (And I don't know who to tell to get
> this fixed - it seems to be a general problem with it)
> Sadly it is serving up a very out of date file, which doesn't have some
> stuff the current version does.
> I guess I could solve this one by HTMLizing the current version.

HTMLized version of the current perldelta.pod at:


I've not checked it, and I believe that mpod2html (Marek::Pod::HTML) is getting
some things wrong, such as putting all of the paragraph proceeding an indented
block into <code></code>

Bugs in the content should go via perlbug (from the 5.7.3 you've downloaded...)
preferably as a corrective patch to pod/perldelta.pod.
I'm aware of some wording that I'd like to change slightly. Phillip Newton
will probably beat me to it.

Leon asked when perl 5.8 was expected to be released. Stupid me. I didn't know,
and I should have been ready for that question.

Jarkko's 5.7.3 release message says:

    This is the release 5.7.3 of Perl.
    This is the last developer release (5.7.x) before the next major
    public release (5.8.0).  The current intent is to release Perl 5.8.0
    in April or May, the Release Candidate 1 is planned to be released
    Monday the 8th of April.

and he says that this plan is currently unchanged.

What is the world's current favourite pod2html conversion utility?

Nicholas Clark
Even better than the real thing:        http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/

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