On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 11:33:09AM +0000, Rob Thompson wrote:
> OK... does anyone know of any good reason why I shouldn't do this to 
> determine which packages/objects I use at runtime?

Not really, you have a slight style nit here though.

>  #!/usr/local/perl5/bin/perl -w
>  use strict;
>  my $objtype = "object1";
>  eval "require report::$objtype;";
>  my $myobject = $objtype->new();
>  my $objtype2 = "object2";

Here you're expecting the file report/object1.pm to just define the
C<object1> namespace, but ideally it'd define C<report::object1>

It's also considered better style to have your packages use
StudlyCaps::Names since all lowercase names are reserved for pragmas.

Otherwise it's fine, assuming you launder $objtype accordingly.
People (well I) do this all the time.

Richard Clamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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