> Mark Fowler wrote:
> Agreed.  Also, any significant Mason component is likely to use Mason's
> built-in object model, which is not part of TT.  You will probably have
> to port some code before it will run.

Understood, but it's a small application which is more custom o.o. perl
and inline perl based than it is custom mason.  Other than the fact that
it gets rendered by mason, it is pretty independent.

It's just the fact that in spite of my specifying that it should use
inline_perl, it didn't interpolate the inline code which uses custom
modules in mason tags.  I've got it to try and interpolate now, however it
seems to warn that "$VARNAME's" are odd symbols.  I'll look at that later.
Going to redo the whole thing in tt2 directives anyway.

Cheers to all.


"__  __           _                 __  __
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|_|  |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|_|  |_| |_|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|
        a pathetic example of his organic heritage"
                - Bad Religion

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