
I haven't been able to find my plane tickets since the meeting on thursday and 
since so many ppl were joking about taking them to keep me here I wondered if 
someone actually did.

If you have found em or grabbed them for a joke can  you please let me know 
ASAP as I need to take them in to rebook or panic and get them replaced. I'm 
going to go thru my room with a fine tooth comb again tonight so I may be 

Please email me direct as I'm currently subscribed no email due to lack of 


Sue Gray
Ph: 07941877247
Stop!  Whoever crosseth the bridge of Death, must answer first 
these questions three, ere the other side he see!  
"What is your name?"
 "Sir Brian of Bell."
"What is your quest?"
"I seek the Holy Grail."
"What are four lowercase letters that are not legal 
flag arguments to the Berkeley UNIX version of `ls'?" 
       "I, er.... AIIIEEEEEE!"  

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