So after a bit of a hardware reshuffle, I find myself left with a
spare Intel box, its a mid range Celeron (IIRC), its got 64Mb of
memory and about 20GB of disk (but these can be put up to 256+ and
100GB+ if need be). It can have a proper IP address as well and will
sit on ADSL 500Mbps. 

So why am I writing to the group? Well I'm looking for something
interesting to do with it. I've thought about running Plan 9, but that
might be pointless with only one box. I've also thought about various
honey pot scenarios, but I don't like going down that road and
attracting attention to my network.

So does anyone have any cool ideas on how to use it? Otherwise its
going to get a lot more disk in it and sit quietly in the corner being
a nice little spare fileserver, which won't be too bad a life for it.


p.s. Its name is Frohike.

Greg McCarroll                    

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