On Thu, May 02, 2002 at 04:16:01PM -0700, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> perl -lpe '$_ = sprintf "%.2f",$_; 1 while s/(?<=[\d])((?:\d{3})+)(?=[.,])/,$1/'
> 123.1
> 123.10
> 5679.123
> 5,679.12
> 1289053234.20852
> 1,289,053,234.21
> Is there an easier way to do this? London.pm meeting taken its toll?

I'd use locale, but it's still ugly.  From perllocale:

# Get some of locale's numeric formatting parameters
my ($thousands_sep, $grouping) =
   @{localeconv()}{'thousands_sep', 'grouping'};
# Apply defaults if values are missing
$thousands_sep = ',' unless $thousands_sep;

if ($grouping) {
   @grouping = unpack("C*", $grouping);
} else {
  @grouping = (3);

# Format command line params for current locale
for (@ARGV) {
    $_ = int;    # Chop non-integer part
    1 while
    print "$_";
print "\n";

I got Nirvana in my head, I'm so glad I'm not dead

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