* at 03/05 11:48 +0100 Simon Wistow said:
> My first thought would be to do something like ...
> 1. Lower case the title
> 2. Strip out common words like and, a, but, and, like, or etc etc.
> 3. Convert spaces to underscores.
> 4. Check to see if that's unique, if it's not then add a number on the 
>    end  (my least favourite bit about it) or ask the editor for an
>    alternative.
> Or I could just ask the editor everytime.
> Ideas?

Stuff the date in there if it's not unique? So you have 


and then a later article is


The date is at least a bit more contextual than a number.

Asking the editor every time might result in a lot of one word names 
that might not be very helpful, people being lazy and all that.


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