Leo has come up with a suggested alternative venue for meets -- the
Glasshouse Stores in Brewer Street, very close to Piccadilly Circus tube.


We are going to check it out on Tuesday 21 May from 6:30pm.  Please
come along and join us.

It's a Samuel Smith's pub, like the Cittie of Yorke.  Beer 1.60 a
pint; they also do "proper food" rather than just snacky stuff.

The function room is in the cellar again, but it's "more spacious and
lighter" than the cellar bar in the CoY.  I would think though that if
we do like it, we might still want to put it on the back burner until
after the summer; people have been saying that they'd rather be
somewhere that sunlight was actually visible, in the summer months.
(Opinions?  Send 'em to the (non-announce) list.)

Brief review and photo:

http://www.randompubfinder.com/ won't let me link to individual
reviews, but says:

    Intriguing pub lurking just off the heart of Soho. Usually
    none too crowded (a definite plus for the area), well-endowed
    with local characters, a strange low-level table arrangement
    and a basement bar that seems permanently booked out by
    about-to-fail Dot com firms. It's Samuel Smith's beer only, so
    don't expect good stout.


PS Grue has mentioned another possibility -- an O'Neill's pub in Earl's
   Court -- but we haven't set a date to check that one out yet.  Maybe
   it is too far West though.

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