Someone, now deleted, said:

> An SS20 is a sun4m machine which is supported under Solaris 8 and even
> the Solaris 9 beta programme so at the risk of being obvious why not
> install Solaris 8?

How would it fair though?  It's got a superSparc, 1Gb HD and 64Mb Ram.
Hardly an ultra, and the standard Solaris 8 Distro. is supposed to consume
about 2Gb.  I could trim it down though.  Is this really my best option
though?  Do I have enough memory to support it; since I'm only getting
binaries and probably won't be able to rebuild my kernel.

I've also had trouble with the cdimage that I burned of the solaris 8
install cd.  It gives me a "File too short.  Boot file may not exist" type
warning.  Is this at all familiar to you?



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