I'm wondering if anyone has done this before: some way or API for a
non-Apache process to find out about a server's configuration. For
example, all the virtual hosts being served, the ServerAdmin for a
particular served site, etc.

Right now I have a script which parses httpd.conf but this will break
down once I start using <perl> in my httpd.conf.

Two possible solutions might be putting some code in httpd.conf that
C<Storable::store>s the info that Apache/mod_perl expose which can then
be read like a registry, or perhaps expose that via a web service

Ideally what I'd like is a library that goes through the motions or can
somehow attach to Apache, perhaps through SHM?


Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"What is performance art? Sure, sure."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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