On Wed, 15 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > GPStoys++ (mine's got a proper static compass) but it only helps if your
>  Ah, I carry a separate compass (don't carry my GPSR most
> of the time). More redundancy, flexibility, don't have to
> replace both if one breaks.

Oh I carry a backup of course, a pound from the gadget shop for a
watchstrap one that goes on my keyring.  But the combo toy allows me to
project a bearing visually, then find that line at any arbitrary distance
coming at it from another angle.  Dead handy for my weekend activities.

> > office window is pointing in the right direction to see the flash.  Acres
> > of glass around here - just a shame most of it faces the next building
> > along, which is several metres away.
>  Surely you can correct for reflection and refraction? :)

If I cared that much, I'd have a horizon watcher on the roof...

the hatter

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