On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 01:11:46AM -0400, David H. Adler wrote:
> On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 10:06:11PM -0400, Mike Jarvis wrote:
> > When do you guys get it? I won't spoil, I'll just say I have real hope
> > for next season.  It could be really good.
> Or not.  Lots of potential, but it really depends on where they go with
> it.  It could still be fairly mediocre without too much trouble.

Potential is all I need for hope.  It could be worse than mediocre, it
could be downright awful.  I can think of two plot developments that
could come that would be painful to think about.  

Anyway, they have many ways they could go. And since Buffy gave birth
to full grown demon children, think of the madcap hilarity that awaits
us next year! 

[1] No, nothing like what I described happened on the show.  It was a 
joke, but somebody bitched at me last year for the giving away the
ending with the same joke, so I felt obliged to repeat it.

A whole lotta hoot and just a little bit of nanny

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