Hi All,

I have a script that gets some pages and it needs to remember the cookies they so 
provide.  I have dones this using the cookie jar functionality of the LWP::UserAgent 

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "/path/to/lwpcookies.txt", autosave => 1));

except most importantly for me, it doesn't update the cookie jar when I make the 
request via SSL (it 
is fine non-ssl).  Although everything else about the request comes down fine like the 
page content, 
the cookies do not get added to the jar although they are retrieved from the remote 
server.  Anyone 
got any ideas?  I have tried sending the cookies manually as part of the header but I 
think they are 
in the wrong format when I send them.

Any ideas why this is not working correctly?


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