On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 03:46:31PM +0100, Jonathan Peterson wrote:
> I can't build Net::SSL on penderel :-(. Just wondered if this problem 
> was unique to me or not. I get:
> So I'm (pessimistically) assuming something wants a particular 
> version/brand/flavour/political attitude of library somewhere.

Yes, almost certianly Debian has only bothered installing the binaries
of various SSL stuff. Ask your friendly local sysadmin (damn, that
includes me) to install the relevant development stuff.

... done.

> Or maybe the OpenSSL libs need a quick update?

There haven't been any security updates, but it might be due a update
soon. I doubt it, though.

> Or maybe someone would like to install Net::SSL in /usr/lib/perl?

Installed to /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i586-linux/Net/SSL.pm
as that's where CPAN shell decided it should live.

Paul Makepeace will probably point out requests like this are better
directed at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

:: paul
:: the future has been and gone

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