> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andy Wardley
> Sent: 01 July 2002 14:51
> Subject: Anyone up for a TPC6 skate jam?
> Are there any skateboarders or inline skaters out there who are
> going to TPC6
> and fancy getting together for a skate jam?
> San Diego is a Mecca for skateboarders.  It has some of the
> finest skate parks in
> the World.  I'm thinking about spending a day/afternoon checking
> out some of the
> best spots.
> But apart from Paul Makepeace (who I suspect isn't going to be at
> TPC6?) I don't
> know of anyone other Perl hackers who skate.  Anyone interested?
>  If it's just me
> then I'll take a cab to the nearest skate spot and play with
> myself (fnarr), but
> if there's a few of us then it might be worth hiring a car and
> touring a few
> different spots.
> Temecula, for example, some 60 miles north of San Diego is
> reputed to have one of
> the best indoor skateparks in the world.  Within San Deigo,
> there's Mission Valley
> (featuring a 13ft vert ramp, probably the most photographed vert
> ramp in the world),
> Robb Field at Ocean Beach (41,000 square feet of concrete),
> Cronan Park on Coronada
> Island, home of some huge bowls, and at least a couple of others.
> Anyone?  Class?  Anyone?

San Diego, mecca of skateboarders? Sounds great to me.
I like skating and I didn't have the opportunity to skate since I moved to
UK... so that's tempting, skating under the sun on a nice surface... I'm not
for a skate park though, I'm only good at falling. I will maybe bring my
inline skates to just move around.

Pierre Denis

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