Wesley Darlington wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 11:03:26PM +0100, David Cantrell wrote:
>>Because there are no good IMAP clients* (that is, supports disconnection and
>>syncrhonisation, portable, runs in a terminal, at least as flexible as mutt,
>>doesn't require emacs) and because I want to keep all my mail in one place,
>>then I require a network connection to read my mail.  So if I'm away from
>>the network, no mail.
>>* - I would be delighted to be proved wrong
> I've been very happy with isync...
>     http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~me/isync/

I've recently seen a link to this piece of software (on advogato, I 
think), which claims to support offline imap better than isync.  I 
freely admit to not having tried it, however and it also uses Python, 
which may be a problem for some.



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