On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 04:44:12PM +0100, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> Has anyone who signed up to write for Hungry Minds heard from them
> recently? 

> Dave // Feeling paranoid

                Mellow !.....!.....!X....!.....! Paranoid

I did an authoring contract for Learning Tree a few years ago.
Deadlines all over the place for sub-section/section/chapter/course.
Met the deadlines and got the bonuses (over 50% of the contract value).
They then did nothing with the material for *20* months!!!

<thinks>Uhm. I did get paid on completion that time.</>

                Mellow !.....!.....!.....!..X..! Paranoid


Perhaps we should sort out which chapters we have and put it up on

Anyone interested in converting it to SGML so it can be published
Chris Benson   

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