Alex McLintock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Traditionally I have been using Java and Cocoon for my XML/XSL tools 
>however I am now looking at what content management systems are out there. 
>I'm looking at Wyona which is a CMS system for Cocoon but has almost no 
>People on this list have mentioned AxKit a lot - which I have never used, 
>and I recently came across this tool for CMS
>Does anyone have any experience of this? without going down a "perl is 
>better than java" flame war, if possible.

Sorry, no experience of AxKit or CallistoCMS, however, AxKit is the XML 
delivery system of choice for a lot of people on the Perl-XML mailing list, 
and it's certainly being (ab)used enough to be confident that it's stable 
and production ready. From reading up on its use and configuration options, 
you could do a lot worse than use it. Particularly if things like 
XPathScript tickle your fancy. But remember, AxKit is not a CMS, it's just 
an XML delivery engine.

You might also want to check out, which is a CMS 
system that uses AxKit. Christian Glahn is the author of XML::CGIApplication 
and the current maintainer of XML::LibXML, and from what I understand, he's 
also involved with XIMS at the University of Innsbruck.

Again, no experience of it, but thought you might like some more 
alternatives :)


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