On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 08:52:08AM +0100, Andy Wardley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I'm trying to do the simplest thing with splice() but not seeing the
> results I expect.  It seems to go weird when I passed an array of
> arguments rather than a direct list.
>   my (@list, @result, @args);
>   # first, the working example
>   @list   = qw( a b c d e );
>   @result = splice(@list, 3, 1);
>   print "splice remains: @list\n";      # a, b, c, e
>   print "splice result: @result\n";     # d
>   # now the not-so-working example
>   @list   = qw( a b c d e );
>   @args   = (3, 1);
>   @result = splice(@list, @args);
>   print "splice remains: @list\n";      # a, b
>   print "splice result: @result\n";     # c, d, e
> The summary: splice() seems to get confused if you call it as
> splice(@list, @args).
> Am I missing something obvious?

You get the same result if you try

splice(@list, 2);

So it looks like splice is somehow forcing scalar context on your
array or arguments. 


  ...she opened strange doors that we'd never close again

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