This has absolutely nothing to do with Perl, whatsoever.  Turn away
now if you're the on-topic (or Greek) police.

A long time ago in a thread not far away, Rob Thompson wrote:
> Discuss:   [Greece banning video games to prevent gambling]

I was in Corfu recently and found that they were still selling 
plenty of video games in shops, airports, etc.  Even gambling
games like handheld blackjack, etc.

I guess this law is a little like their law stating that it is illegal
to sound your vehicle horn unless failure to do so would result in an 

The Greeks quite rightly interpret this as:

   * there could be someone around the next corner who I might have
     an accident with so I'll give a little bib anyway.

   * there are some people walking in the street ahead who I might 
     crash into (if I were to suddenly veer off the road towards them),
     so I'll give a little bib anyway.

   * hey, there's my friend George, he would be mortified if I didn't
     acknowledge his presence in some way, but to wave at him would
     require me to take my other hand away from my moped handlebars
     (the first hand is smoking a cigarette), seriously increasing 
     the likelihood of having an accident, so I'll give a little bib 

I think it's safe to say that the Greeks have a healthy disrespect for
trivial laws and treat them with the contempt they deserve.

Bib, bib.


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