Hi Guys,

Sorry about this...

I'm trying to do a (very simple!) RewriteRule but 
it's not having any of it...

The Example in the docs shows:
 RewriteRule ^/somepath(.*) /otherpath$1 [R]
for GET /somepath/pathinfo

In my VirtualHost I have:

RewriteRule ^/mag/(.*) /foxtons/magazines/cover_story/$1 [R]
for GET /mag/jul02

(I'll add the .html to the RewriteRule when I get it working)

I've got me RewriteEngine on, and it does redirect me to
/foxtons/magazines/cover_story/, but doesn't put the $1 in.

I mostly use [P] for proxying to mod perl server which works
fine, but this just doesn't seem to be having any of it.

Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) - mod_rewrite is compiled in, yes I should
upgrade but that's shouldn't be the problem.

Have I missed something fundimental ?

Any help much apreciated.



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