On 09/10/2002 at 15:13 +0100, Dave Thorn wrote:
>On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 03:08:37PM +0100, S. Joel Bernstein wrote:
>>  At 09/10/2002 13:11 [], Jasper McCrea wrote:
>>  >ps I was semi-seriously thinking of getting some 'use strict; is gay'
>>  >t-shirts
>>  >printed. Anyone interested?
>>  No, why would we be? 'Gay' isn't pejorative, and I doubt you're saying that
>>  'use strict;' is homosexual. Grow up?

Also http://search.cpan.org/author/RCLAMP/Acme-USIG-1.01/lib/Acme/USIG.pm

Short history. Dave Cross spends time on CGI bulletin boards full of 
amateurs. Suggests that all scripts should 'use strict;'. Someone 
responds 'use strict is gay!'. London.pm laugh at the poster. Richard 
Clamp writes Acme::USIG, probably conceived under the influence of 
booze. Phrase falls into general usage, not meant perojatively.

If someone wants to flesh this out and send it back to me so if can 
go on the FAQ page, please do.

:: paul
:: we're like crystal

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