On Friday, October 11, 2002 3:49 PM, Simon Wilcox [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> > I think personal bios still have a problem, in that there has to be
> > some criteria for "bio-worthiness", which doesn't wind up looking
> > elitist. I have a sinking feeling that the two things are
> > incompatible, and that nice idea as it is, it really wouldn't work in
> > practice.
> Funnily enough, one of the things I liked about the "handwriting" site[1]
> was the biog page[2][3].
> My criteria for getting on it would probably be similar to the rules for
> voting in last years leadership contest, that is:
> * Must be a poster to the list
> * Or a regular on IRC
> * Or a regular at the pub and/or technical meets.
Maybe introduce some kind of XP style voting system, like on Perlmonks or 

Just a thought,


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