On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Shevek wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Rafiq Ismail (ADMIN) wrote:
> This question is underspecified. Two points cannot intersect unless they
> are coincident points. Define the endpoints of your ranges. I'm assuming
> that date_a and date_b are just point dates.
Indeed, however I did under specify (see below).

> > (yyyy,mm?,dd?) and turned into days since epoch using Date::Calc which is
> What is the '?'? Is this a regular expression?

This bit is unimportant, since the dates are converted to epoch first.

> > We can do it with three tests on the boundaries, however I'm curious if it
> What boundaries?

1) We actually have $intervalStart and $intervalEnd, marking a period in
time, where $intervalEnd >= $intervalStart.

2) We also have:
        $startTest and $startEnd.

  Is there a more affective way of saying - summarised:
        return 1 if (  ($startTest <= $intervalStart &&
                        $endTest >= $intervalStart)
                        ($startTest <= $intervalEnd &&
                        $endTest >= $intervalEnd)
                        ($startTest >= $intervalStart &&
                         $endTest <= $intervalEnd)
                        ) );

I think.  It really does my head in.



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