On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 05:16:13PM +0100, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> Marty Pauley wrote:
> > On Thu Oct 24 15:13:09 2002, Kris Boulez wrote:
> > 
> >>What is peoples preferred module for writing XML (files) from within
> >>Perl ? The data is read by a perl script from different (heterogeneous) 
> >>sources and stored internally in a tree of objects.
> > 
> > 
> > I use XML::DOM for that sort of thing.  I haven't tried anything else
> > since XML::DOM has worked well.  As I walk the tree each node calls
> > createElement for itself then appendChild for any branches.
> XML::LibXML (as mentioned in another post) is likely to be a lot 
> quicker, as it's based on a C library.

XML::GDOM has a partially or totally SAX2 compatability, is based on libxml2
and has a virtually drop-in replacement interface for XML::DOM.

It was what I used the last time I did any XML. But then, I hate XML.


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