At 11/10/2002 11:23 [], Nicholas Clark wrote:
On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 11:09:14AM +0100, Alex McLintock wrote:
> At 21:38 10/10/02, you wrote:
> >Vacancy: Senior OO Perl Developer
> >
> >
> >Senior OO Perl Developer required with the following key skills and
> >experience:
> >
> >Job Type:       Permanent
> >Duration     2 years
> This sounds like our good old Olympics ticketing job again if it is a
> "permanent" job which only lasts for two years.
> Perhaps if the vacancy lasts long enough they might find someone prepared
> to take it.

Based on my experience, I can't see any practical distinction between 2 years
and permanent. So if I take that out of the equation, and we consider it at
permanent rates rather than contractor rates, what's so wrong with it?

It's not like's 3 month job at permanent rates.
Well, exactly. I thought it looked familiar, but then it also looked like a job that people here might be interested in. It seems to pay reasonably well, and frankly a 2 year contract is as good as a permanent position - better, in fact, because from day one you know when you're leaving (and therefore next available for work)

Ah well, I tried to help.


S. Joel Bernstein :: joel at fysh dot org :: t: 020 8458 2323
"Nobody is going to claim that Perl 6's OO is "bolted on". Well, except
maybe for certain Slashdotters who don't know the difference
between rational discussion and cheerleading..." -- Larry Wall

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