On Saturday 12 October 2002 2:27pm, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> Basically, I'm wanting to be able to write a subroutine skip that can be
> called unknowingly like this:
> {
>   ... # stuff
>   skip ("innocent parameter of some sort");
>   ... # more stuff
> } # X
> and have skip hang some sort of call back that fires when the scope marked
> with X exits.

Depends what you mean by "innocent parameter of some sort".

If you mean that you can arrange for it always to be invoked like

    skip (my \$dinner);

then easy, you just say

    sub skip {
        $_[0] = new Callback sub { # write Callback.pm yourself :-)
            # do whatever needs to be done in the callback

If you can't arrange for skip() to be called like that, maybe you could use 
B::Utils and B::Generate to add in that extra first parameter yourself?

Warning: I really don't know whether or not it's feasible.  But even if it 
is, it still looks very hairy....

\|/GET| Dave Hinton
-/SOME| Battersea, London, England 
/SLEEP| http://thereaction.co.uk/dah

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