Have you ever hankered after rollbacks outside of databases, the ability
to throw your hands up in the air and scream "WHY $DIETY? WHY?" and skip
back to a point in your life, or execution path, where it hadn't all
gone horribly wrong?

Have you? HAVE YOU?

I know I have.

Acme::Whatif provides you with that oft requested second chance - simply
die within a whatif {} block and you can have another go AS IF NOTHING
HAD HAPPENED. It's like Groundhog Day. All over again. But without the
giant subterranean dwelling rodents [0].

Not only that but Acme::Whatif, for a limited time only, provides you
with a corresponding ifonly {} statement, executed after the death of a
whatif {} block, that gives you some breathing space to clean up all the
little mishaps and boos boos that you caused in the whatif {} block.

Hand crafted by Artisans from the world famous London.pm Crack Smoking
Club Acme::Whatif is the tool no self respecting programmer should be

Docs at http://thegestalt.org/simon/perl/AcmeWhatif.html
Code at http://thegestalt.org/simon/perl/Acme-Whatif-0.5.tar.gz

I'm actually wondering if this deserves not to be in the Acme::*
namespace but that could just be hubris on my part.

[0] No animals were harmed in the making of this module.

: feel the banana karma

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