Lusercop wrote:
> I think my conclusion for all of this is that I can't trust PHP, because
> architecturally, it appears to be designed for use in situations where the
> necessity is not for any kind of privilege management, or separation. It
> appears to be designed to get dynamic pages up and running as quickly as
> possible and as easily as possible. 


PHP is, or should be, a quick hack language.  The fundamental feature 
of embedding application code directly in presentation markup is the 
biggest no-no there is.  It leads to a poor (or non-existant) separation
of concerns, typified by spaghetti code programs that are all but impossible 
to read, understand, extend and maintain.

PHP is quick, simple and easy to use and ideal for basic one or two
page web hacks.  But for building larger sites or dynamic web applications?
Definately not!

Alas, that's what most large dynamic web applications seem to be written
in these days.  Written by your average Joe who wouldn't know the 
difference between good programming and bad, and probably wouldn't care
much about it if they did  :-(

ASP is just as bad for much the same reasons.  Used by people who don't
know any better and don't want to know any better.


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